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Handy V0.60 - Atari Lynx Emulator for Windows 95/NT
Author: Keith Wilkins
<-------------------HANDY HOMEPAGE-------------------->
V0.60 Highlights (17/04/99)
* New save/load game/snapshot facility
* New faster CPU core (5-7%)
* New faster memory access (1-2%)
* A number of UART/Timer IRQ/functionality fixes
* Much lower memory requirements (12MB lower!!!)
* Lynx defaults to AC adaptor plugged in.
* Collision detection improved (Still not perfect)
* Support for headerless development cards (Needs Howard.o)
1.0 Installation
1.1 Game Images
1.2 System Requirements
2.0 Using Handy
3.0 Emulator Development status
4.0 Converting cartridges to LNX format with MAKE_LNX.EXE
5.0 Patching files with ROTATE.EXE
6.0 With thanks to
1.0 Installation
Unpack all of the files into the directory of your choice. e.g
md c:\emu\handy
cd c:\emu\handy
pkunzip handyXXX.zip
del handyXXX.zip
If you have lynxboot.img then just unpack it into the same directory.
Then just run Handy.exe. If Handy cant find the boot ROM it will put
up a dialog to ask you to locate it. The real lynxboot image is not
provided as part of the Handy distribution as its copyrighted material.
1.1 Game images
NOTE: Handy will NOT run .LYX images, you need to convert to .LNX format
using the supplied 'make_lnx' utility, see section 4.0.
You will need a proper lynxboot.img to play carts, this has to be extracted from
the lynx itself to run cartridges, Handy will warn you if you do not have a correct
boot image. I'm sure some unscrupulous person will publish it somewhere along
with game images, just don't ask me for them. The one included in this release
is a fake and is non functional. i.e You cant play cartridges with it.
There are a numer of "homebrew" images floating around in homebrew.zip
these are all copyright Bastian Schick and are from his homepage. He
deserves some real high praise for the work he has done.
1.2 System Requirements
* PC running WindowsNT or Windows95.
* 16MB or more system memory.
* Pentium class processor or better (Recommended P133 or higher).
* Minimum 1MB Hard Disk space + whatever images you require/own.
I would not recommend enabling sound if you have anything less than a P133
as its only just acceptable on that class of machine.
This program performs best under 65536(16bit) colour mode, but also works in
256 colour mode. It will NOT work in 16 colour mode or less.
2.0 Using Handy
Just click on the Handy icon and away you go. Select your file from the browser.
The keys are mapped to:
Option 1 : 1
Option 2 : 2
Pause : Q
Inside Fire : Z
Outside Fire : X
Joypad : Arrow keys
Reset Lynx : F3
Run/Pause : F5
Sound on/off : Ctrl-S
Load cart : Ctrl-0
BMP Snapshot : Ctrl-Alt-B
RAW Snapshot : Ctrl-Alt-R
Exit : Alt-F4
Joysticks are supported under W95 by selecting the Joystick label under the
options menu.
Pad - Direction Keys
Button 1 - Lynx Button B (Gravis Gamepad - Red Button)
Button 2 - Lynx Button A (Gravis Gamepad - Blue Button)
Button 3 - Lynx Option 1 (Gravis Gamepad - Yellow Button)
Button 4 - Lynx Option 2 (Gravis Gamepad - Green Button)
Note: Enabling the joystick will slow the emulator slightly, hence the joystick
defaults to off.
You can enter full screen mode at any point by doing Alt-Enter as with a DOS
box, either Esc or Alt-Enter will return you to windowed mode. Any form of
error will cause Handy to revert to windowed mode and then display the error.
The type of full screen mode you get will depend on the windowed settings:
Windowed Full Screen
Normal X1 == Normal X1 image in a 320x240 screen
Normal X2 == Normal X2 image in a 320x240 screen
Normal X2 == Normal X2 image in a 320x240 screen
Rotated X1 == Rotated X1 images in a 512x384 screen
Rotated X2 == Rotated X1 images in a 512x384 screen
Rotated X3 == Rotated X1 images in a 512x384 screen
3.0 Status
Handy is writtin using MSVC 6.0 in C++ using MFC in the windows areas. The
underlying lynx emulation is written entirely in C++ and should be reasonably
easy to port to any other architecture.
The documents are not the most fun things to work with, the abiguities within
them mean that often my interpretation of them is incorrect and hence the
large amount of bug fixing to be done, especially in Suzy's sprite engine as
the sprite docs are vague in the extreme in places.
Below are the list of know problems:
General Problems (affecting some carts)
. Flickering sprites
. Flickering backgrounds/colour changes (e.g Shadow of the Beast, Awseome Golf)
this relates to IRQ timing which is unstable due to some of my optimisations.
Specific Cartridges
SlimeWorld - Missing sprites i.e the Player ??
Tetris - Cart calls power down.
BattleZone - Missing ships, maybe a math related problem.
Warbirds - Dodgy horizon, maybe a math related problem.
Blue Lightning - Corruption of lanscape when flying at low level.
EuroSoccer - Runs but some wierd sprite problems
Dirty Larry - Hangs when player dies, illegal opcode
There are minor issues on other cartridges. If you have a cartridge image
that hangs at the blank screen (colour is random) what you'll find is that
you have a corrupted cartridge image. I know for a fact that there are a
whole batch of corrupted images floating around on the net.
Todo list
. Implement everon register bit
. Improve integral debugger features
. Improve sound synchronisation.
. Mod c6502 so that +100 is included in SP usage.
. Proper fix for the +1,+1 sprite problem.
. Further optimisation targetting 100% on all games with sound on a P133.
4.0 Converting cartridges to LNX format with MAKE_LNX.EXE
Handy only reads .LNX formats files, any will not read raw (.LYX) cartridge
images. To convert from raw (.LYX/.040) to LNX format use the make_lnx
utility included in with the release.
make_lnx <infile> [options]
Optional arguments
-o Output filename (Default=<infile>.lnx)
-m Manufacturer (Default=Atari)
-g Game name (Default=<infile>.lnx)
-r Left/Right (Default=no screen image rotation)
-b0 Bank0 size (Default=Automatic, options 0K,64K,128K,256K,512K)
-b1 Bank1 size (Default=0K, options 0K,64K,128K,256K,512K)
The default action (no optional params) is to convert the input filename
from raw format to LNX format with the default options given above. Options
can be mixed and placed in any order on the command line.
make_lnx cgames.lyx (Converts cgames.lyx to cgames.lnx)
make_lnx cgames.lyx -o calgames.lnx (Converts cgames.lyx to calgames.lnx)
Part of the LNX header contains game and manufacturer information that may
be used in later versions of Handy, you can add this into the header using
the -g and -m options.
make_lnx cgames.lyx -g "California Games" -m Atari
(Converts cgames.lyx to cgames.lnx and sets the internal game/manufacturer
fields within the LNX header. The quotes are important only if your game
name has spaces within it.)
5.0 Patching files with ROTATE.EXE
Handy now supports automatic rotation of images on startup via a flag in the
LNX header of the cartridge. This new addition is completely compatible with
any existing files. One of the spare bytes in the header is now used to
indicate whether which way the screen image should be rotated. A utility has
been provided (ROTATE.EXE) to allow you to patch any existing files you may
have. This facility has also bee added to the MAKE_LNX.EXE utility.
This will cause the gaunlet cart header to be modified so that it will be
displayed correctly when starting handy.
You can undo the change with
Gauntlet will then revert back to the landscape style display.
6.0 With Thanks
Lee Witek - All round mate and windows guru.
Bastian Schick - Your HTML lynx docs make my paper copy redundant, thanks.
Also a big thanks for all of your lynx development work.
Harry Dodgson - Insights into timer related pernicousness...
Help with test code for sprite engine bugs.
RTOONist - Beta testing & suggestions.
Riddler - Beta testing.
Jonas Gustavsson - DEC Alpha Port
Ruchard Bannister - Apple MAC Port
??? ???? - Linux Port
Thanks to all those who've emailed their support.
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